


Fills a connected component with the given color.


  • flag_fixed_range_in – If set, the difference between the current pixel and seed pixel is considered. Otherwise, the difference between neighbor pixels is considered (that is, the range is floating).
  • flag_mask_only_in – If set, the function does not change the image ( newVal is ignored), and only fills the mask with the value specified in bits 8-16 of flags as described above.
  • image_in – Source 8-bit single-channel image.
  • loDiff_in – Maximal lower brightness/color difference between the currently observed pixel and one of its neighbors belonging to the component, or a seed pixel being added to the component.
  • newVal_in – New value of the repainted domain pixels.
  • seedPoint_in – Starting point.
  • upDiff_in – Maximal upper brightness/color difference between the currently observed pixel and one of its neighbors belonging to the component, or a seed pixel being added to the component.


  • image_out – Destination image of the same size and the same type as src.
  • rect_out – Rect output.



http://kube.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/floodFill_11.png http://kube.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/floodFill_12.png